Friday, October 7, 2011


I cannot imagine one organization being able to fight poverty alone.  There are so many things to consider and do when working to alleviate poverty and there is just no way one organization can do it alone, without the help from another.  For us, we are still so new at this and to be honest, I know a little about some things, but there is a lot that I do not know so we have to ask other organizations that specialize in certain areas to help.  No one can be an expert in everything.

We are getting a lot of help this trip from other organizations and we are so thankful.

For starters, our team comes from Istrouma Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, LA.  This is an incredible group and I can’t wait to serve with them!  Thank you Istrouma!!

Then where would we be without help with water filters?  I know NOTHING about dealing with water other than if it’s contaminated, don’t drink it.  And it is contaminated, so people need filters.  So again we turn to our partners at HELPS International.  We will continue working with them to provide stoves for everyone in Pueblo Nuevo.

We are blessed to have been in contact with Faith Comes By Hearing over the last couple of months and thanks to one of their ministry programs we received two Proclaimers (self or solar charging audio Bibles) in Spanish to be used by listening groups in Pueblo Nuevo.  These Proclaimers can be heard by hundreds of people at a time and will be a huge resource in helping villagers hear the message of Christ and come to know Him.

And it isn’t definite yet, but we are working with WINGS to coordinate their help with a family planning clinic for this trip and possibly cervical cancer screenings in the coming months.

The more I do this the more I realize that unless people are connected to each other, we will never move forward.  We would be unable to do any of this trip, other than children’s ministry, without the help of these organizations.  Thanks to each of them for being involved in the lives of the people of Pueblo Nuevo!

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