Tuesday, May 19, 2009


In December, right after I contacted Carol with Servants 4 Him, but before we were even considering a possible partnership between our two organizations, I was told about a woman named Anna.

Anna lives in El Tizate. She is a single mother with 6 children. She adopted 3 of the children two years ago after they were abandoned by their mother. For a while, she was able to make money to care for her children by baking bread and selling it to restaurants, but her stove was repossessed by the ministry that had given it to her as a gift because they changed their minds (this was NOT Servants 4 Him). She has since been working in the fields and at any other job she can get. Through it all, she remains diligent and continues to speak and trust in God's kindness and provision.

Last week Anna was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now, more than ever, she is in need of more than I can imagine. Servants 4 Him is working with her and they are currently making a much needed addition to her home, but more needs to be done.

This woman has been on my heart since I first heard of her. And her name was on my list of things to discuss with Carol today, but before I could even ask about her, Carol mentioned her. She does not live in Pueblo Nuevo, but her village is close. I was hoping to hear wonderful news about her today and have been praying that she would not need any assistance when I asked about her, but instead I heard that she has been diagnosed with cancer. Only God knows what her future will be and only He knows what the future holds for these 6 precious children. In June, we will be meeting with Anna and Across All Borders will be doing whatever we can do to help her and her family. There are so many families just like this in Guatemala, but having a name, having this constant pull at my heart about THIS woman...THIS family, sitting here and being able to so clearly see God's hand nudging us to them...lets me know that this is another answer.

I am not sure why I felt the need to write about her today, but I can't get her off my mind....not that I want to. There are so many families that we will be working to assist in Pueblo Nuevo, so Anna's family is just 7 people in a little village 15 minutes from Antigua. People like her live all over Guatemala and all over the world, but SHE is the one that is on my heart today and has been for months. I cannot wait to meet Anna. Please pray for her with us. She believes God can do great, miraculous things...and we are believing with her.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

My prayers are with her and her children! TOO many families will face this devastating news this year!! And TOO many children are at risk of becoming orphans!! Praying for all of you who work in the field to ensure these families have a little hope given to them!